Hoosiers for Quality Education Endorsement

On behalf of Hoosiers for Quality Education (HQE) PAC, formally known as Hoosiers for Economic Growth (HEG), please accept this letter as an endorsement of your candidacy for Indiana House District 91.
At HQE, we are optimistic that Indiana can be a leader in the competitive national and international economies if we continue to develop a first-rate education system and a skilled workforce. We believe ensuring high quality K-12 education opportunities for all young Indiana students should be a top-priority for our state.
Thank you for your support of this mission and for your strong stance and voting record in favor of educational polices that provide all Hoosier families with quality educational options regardless of their family income, zip code or any other circumstance.
Have we got a yard sign for you!

Show your support for Rep. Bob Behning by ordering a yard sign for your property. Just go to the “CONTACT” page and tell us where you live and we’ll take care of you! Thanks for showing your support!
Suits and Sneakers cancer awareness

State Representative Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis) joined House legislators and staff in wearing sneakers at the Statehouse in support of the Suits and Sneakers challenge to help raise awareness about cancer.
The American Cancer Society’s Coaches vs. Cancer Suits and Sneakers challenge is an annual event sponsored by the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches to help raise cancer awareness and support those affected by it. This annual effort also aims to promote the importance that nutrition and physical activity play in reducing a person’s risk of cancer.
“My wife, Rosalie, is currently battling cancer, so I know firsthand what a struggle it can be for people and their loved ones,” said Rep. Behning. “Sadly, cancer affects thousands of Hoosiers all over the state, and I am glad to see so many legislators and staff at the Statehouse showing their support today.”
According to the organization, every one in three cancer deaths are caused by issues relating to nutrition and physical activity. In 2013 alone, there were 35,550 new cases of cancer in the state of Indiana.
Wearing sneakers is much more than a fashion statement. It is a simple way to spotlight the fact that cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S. – exceeded only by heart disease, which accounts for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. It is also an opportunity to remind people about all the ways they can reduce their risk of cancer; like eating right, exercising, making healthy lifestyle choices and following the American Cancer Society’s recommended cancer screening guidelines.
Visit www.cancer.org for more information on how you can help spread the message and fight back against cancer.
Bob Behning Authored Pre-School Bill Passes

House Bill (HB) 1004, authored by House Education Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Behning (R-Indianapolis) and co-authored by House Speaker Brian C. Bosma (R-Indianapolis) has been enacted by the Indiana General Assembly and signed by Governor Mike Pence. It would create a pilot program for state-funded scholarships for low-income children to attend educational preschool programs. It would also create a study commission on these issues.
The commission’s charged tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:
· – Studying the economic benefits of Pre-K or early learning programs;
· – Studying the feasibility of obtaining a block grant and necessary waivers under the federal Head Start program to establish an early learning scholarship program or another type of alternative program;
· – Studying the feasibility of obtaining a Child Care and Development Block Grant or other federal funds to fund Pre-K or early learning education programs in Indiana;
· – Studying options for funding Pre-K or early learning programs, including opportunities to partner with businesses, philanthropic or community leaders
· – Reviewing whether other states have developed rigorous accountability standards for Pre-K or early learning programs